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We would like to invite academics, experts, researchers, PhD students and students from the Three Seas Initiative countries and other countries interested in the question of the broadly understood security of Central and Eastern Europe to participate in the THREE SEAS ONE OPPORTUNITY Conference.

The discussions will be held in Polish and English.

Registration is open until May 19, 2024

Due to the limited number of participants, the Organizer will send the confirmation of participation in the Conference by May 22, 2024 via e-mail to the address provided in the form.

Registration fee:

The offer is addressed to all persons interested in participating in the THREE SEAS ONE OPPORTUNITY conference on June 4-5, 2024. The application includes participation in the conference as an attendee or participant of WORKING GROUPS.

The offer includes:

  • conference materials
  • refreshments during the conference (coffee breaks)
  • participation in the banquet on June 4, 2024
  • photos from the conference which will be posted on the website after the event (additionally, a link to the website will be sent)
  • rebroadcasts of plenary and thematic panels, available on the YouTube.com channel

The offer is addressed to the 4th and 5th year students and doctoral students whose interests and research area include the security, international relations, legal, economic and technical issues in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. The accepted candidates will take part in the YOUNG EXPERTS DAY competition, which will take place on the 1st day of the Conference.

The offer includes:

  • participation in the two days of the Conference
  • presentation of a paper and participation in the Young Experts Day competition
  • conference materials
  • refreshments during the conference (coffee breaks)
  • participation in the banquet on June 4, 2024
  • photos from the conference which will be posted on the website after the event (additionally, a link to the website will be sent)
  • rebroadcasts of plenary and thematic panels, available on the YouTube.com channel

We are open to expert cooperation. Please contact us if you wish to join the group of our speakers.